Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Short Answer Packet
1. In Cabeza De Vaca, Nuñez builds a friendly relationship with the Indians in the New World. He still relied on the stereotype of Indians being “barbarous people” and describing their “strange customs” in the narrative. Nuñez interacts with the Indians for nine years and follows their way of live. He is introduced to their customs and is thankful for their treatment.
2. European colonizers used their narratives to get the royal crown to side with them and justify their actions. Christopher Columbus for example, refers to the crown as “illustrious king and queen” and “grateful princes”. He then goes on and describes the mistreatment he encountered stating in the letter, “I came to serve at the age of twenty-eight years, and now I have not a hair on my body that is not gray, and my body is infirm, and whatever remained to me from those years of service has been spent and taken away from me and sold, and from my brothers, down to my very coats, without my being heard or seen, to my great dishonor.” Christopher does all this in hope of gaining compassion from the crown. He uses his narrative as a way to get the crown on his side and support him in later trips.
3. The European explorers envision the New World as “a marvel.” Christopher Columbus describes it as “very fertile to a limitless degree.” He goes on describing the land saying, “All are most beautiful of a thousand shapes, and all are accessible and filled with trees of a thousand kinds and tall, and they seem to touch the sky.” Here, Christopher Columbus is depicting the New World making it increasingly desirable. These views of the New World caused the explorers to do everything in their power to control this wonderful land. This led to the unjust actions that the explorers later took on the Native people.
Desiree’s Baby
1. The setting ties with the plot of the story to elaborate on the theme that deals with the issues of the racial classes. The setting taking place on a plantation and the plot dealing with slavery and skin color, foreshadows the upcoming events in the story that deal with the black inferiority and white supremacy. These tensions which are later dealt in the story tie along with the “air of mystery among the blacks.” This identification of color opens the idea of differences of races and the issues that later result from this.
2. The narrator suggests the answer because she felt it would be better off than saying it. She probably felt this way because by her suggesting it, would only add more suspicion and question to the issue. In other words, by the narrator suggesting the answer she is giving in to the idea and adding blame to herself. Also, women at that time had to obey their husbands, so really Desiree could not do much about the situation. If her husband did not accept the child, that was final.
3. In Desiree’s Baby, Chopin restraints herself from mentioning the death of Desiree and the baby. This adds to the suspense of the story for the reader and forces the reader to pay deep and close attention to what is actually being said in the story. The reader is faced with the challenge to read in between the lines and infer such information. This leaves the reader with the question as to “what happened?” In other words, this was just another way of Chopin engaging and catching the attention of the reader.
4. In the beginning of the story, Armand is depicted as this fellow that fell head over heels for Desiree. His love for Desiree and the birth of their son changes him drastically and softened his character. Desiree even states “I’m so happy; it frightens me.” This gives the reader a visual of what is often viewed as too good to be true: a loving and caring father who is deeply in love with his wife. This ideal image of family is strongly opposed and contradicted when Armand suspects that their son is of the black race because of Desiree. These actions of Armand clearly show that what was stated earlier is not true. If Armand really cared about his family and not what society said, then he would have accepted his baby for whatever it is that he was. This in a way reflects the reasons of why his mother never wanted to come to America. She probably feared what her destiny might be had everyone found out she had African American blood in her.
5. In the story, Chopin depicts women in marriage as individuals who give up their ways of life to live up to that of their spouse. Women are depicted as lonely figures that are forced to live under their husbands rule and power. They resign their rights as independent women and are even at times obligated to leave their families. When Desiree marries, she is basically giving up her family and welcoming the one of her husband. This fact traps Desiree because she has nobody to run to in times of need. In this case she could not go to anybody for help because only those that she could turn to assumed the same thing as her husband.
Fall of the House of Usher
1. Poe creates suspense by implying rather than describing the terrors of the House of Usher. It creates this notion of wonder and mystery as to what causes this. This gives the reader anticipation to find out what is being talked about since it is not just bluntly being said. This in a way adds to the terror that is being implied. It provides for a range of views as to the different ways people perceive the idea. In a way, it is a way that Poe engages the reader in the story to have them create their input from the way that they view things.
2. Poe makes literary language appear very powerful in the story, because it adds emphasis to the ideas that are being portrayed. Also it provides the reader with a case of too many coincidences which ties with the idea of Gothic tales. The least expected happens and this gives a sudden impact and effect on the reader, who most likely is taken by surprise. This makes the reader keep their guards up as they read. This affects the reader by making him anxious and impatient to find out what will come next.
3. The narrator’s motivation is driven by his thoughts of denial to accept that there is something evil about the house. He ignores it as nothing more but a psychological game that is taken over his emotions and actions. Even though he does not intimately know this friend of his anymore, he feels obligated to help him out during the hard times of his sickness. After all, in the letter Roderick rote, he seemed to really need somebody at that time. The narrator feeling that he was the only one that could help him, found it within himself to do a kind deed for his boyhood friend. After he becomes convinced that soon there will be dark and macabre events, he stays because he doesn’t want to worsen his friend’s condition. The narrator feels drawn to the house but is unable to tell what exactly it is that is causing this. As a result, he feels the need to stay and see what will happen with the house and his friend.
4. It could be said that Roderick was not aware of his sister still being alive during the time of the burial. In the story, when Roderick begins to hear sounds, he admits to the narrator that he knew of her living after the burial. Keeping her buried was a way of him holding on to that other half of him that technically completed him. He was not entirely ready to just let her go. This burial could be seen as a way of securing what he cared for the most. Which in a way, it is ironic to think that he would not let her live and just keep her buried.
Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God
1. The effect of “ventriloquizing” for so much time in this sermon is that it is a way of connecting with the people of the congregation. Edwards uses this as a way of making the people believe that this isn’t just an idea but is the reality of many people. His gives this monologue of wickedness a human face to set grounds for relating with the people. This gives emphasis to the idea that Edwards is not just preaching, but is warning them of the dangers that they can face if they don’t act now. He depicts this character so that the people find it easier to relate to his ideas. Without this, his message would most likely not be understood as well as it is. In a way, this adds clarity to the point being made by giving a life example.
2. Edward’s language in this passage proves to be very effective and moving. This is done by the use of repetition, diction, and the direct addressing of the people. When Edward’s uses repetition when he states, “if your strength were ten thousand times greater than it is, yea, ten thousand time greater than the strength of the stoutest, sturdiest devil in hell, it would be nothing to withstand it or endure it,” he diminishes the power of the person as well as the devil. This repetition emphasizes the idea that “nothing” is greater than God. The diction used in this passage, adds to the intensity of the gruesome picture that is being depicted. Edward’s uses words like “fierceness, inconceivable fury, omnipotent power, sturdiest devil in hell,” and more. These words help draw a dark and powerful image of God to intimidate the people and call for an immediate action of the people. By Edwards referring to the people as “you” he is showing the direct addressing of the people as he points them out. In a way this makes the people feel like Edward’s is actually speaking to them and to them only. This adds to the importance of the audience.
3. The phrase that Edward’s repeats of “peace and safety” is depicted as nothing more but “thin air and empty shadows.” This phrase signifies to the congregation that even though you may be thinking that you are doing the right thing to reserve your seat in heaven, you just might regret thinking so when you find yourself in hell. This masks a “natural man” as one who believes that they are being righteous and are being nothing but hypocritical by not fully embracing the idea of Christ as their God.
4. Edwards interprets “haste” and “little time” for the Puritans at that era. Before the Great Awakening, Puritanism was dying out and the religious fervor in the people was slowly decreasing. “The Great Awakening was a sudden outbreak of religious fervor that swept through the colonies. One of the first events to unify the colonies.” ( The words of “haste” and “little time” depict this idea of needed immediate action to save this religion of the people before it is too late. By him referring to the “Jews in the apostles’ days” he is proving that there is not much time and like them, this will be a time of surprise.
The Souls of Black Folk
1. Du Bois mentions how his “fine contempt” let him excel and develop his talents when he was younger. This hatred for white supremacy brought out in Du Bois a way of overcoming the issues of race and coming out as the better person to the whites. This was due to his strive for the superiority of a black to a white. This proved to be insufficient when a discriminating society did not recognize his talents and still considered the black inferior even after outshining a white person. This could have been at the time he tried to get a job. Even if he was better than a white person, he would still not be hired because of his skin color. In the end, him excelling and developing his talents don’t prove sufficient. Du Bois mentions his personal experiences of racism to have the reader see how it was like living at the time when race was such a big issue. A personal experience helps the reader relate and make a connection with the author. This adds to the argument credibility since it is coming from a person who experienced racism and discrimination first hand. This would prove persuasive to the African American people and to others that would be concerned about the black race’s issues.
2. The dramatic numbered lists add to Du Bois’s argument by emphasizing the ideas that are said to be supported by other “rational minds.” It is a way of just coming out straight and making a clear and simple statement but still keeping its importance. He achieves the goal to have the reader see what it was that Washington’s advice and ideas had on the people. Du Bois first gives consequences, which are the negative results to Washington’s ideas. Then he goes to paradox, contradicting himself with what he had just stated about Washington. He does this in a way to still regard Washington as a wise man who is not clear in his ways of thinking. This keeps respect for Washington to also help avoid opposition from his followers. Then he goes to refutation by proving Washington’s ideas wrong and showing how they were wrong.
3. Du Bois intercuts The Souls of Black Folk with slave songs. This just adds to the affect of persuasion that the author has on the reader. It adds to the credibility of the African American people living unhappy life through all these hard conditions. Coming from the African American experiences, the reader is able to see this sorrow portrayed in the songs thru the words of the song. This is a way of having the reader interact with the book on a deeper note. The reader is given the opportunity to view the type of emotions most black people had to express during these times. The use of the “Sorrow Songs” was nothing more but another way of Du Bois making a connection with the reader.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Parallel Structure
- Many of the African American leaders differed in their ideas on how the Negro reached its success and complied with what was given to him.
Even after the Negroes had suffered through arduous tasks when they attempted to grasp freedom, they were told that these rights should have been surrendered and they should have been conformed with themselves being inferior citizens to the white men.
To them this was a sign of weakness for the Negro, and vulnerability to the white race’s continuous prejudice and discrimination.
Mr. Washington believed that a Negro’s success and advancement in society resulted from the Industrial Training like that of Tuskegee.
Both the North and the South tried to compromise the accepted fact that the African American was their equal.
Du Bois believed that Washington’s ideals went against the needed urgency for the African American’s fight for a voice in the ballot.- One can infer from this that Du Bois believed some of the goals that Mr. Washington preached and advocated for, did not get the African American the reasonable rights as citizens.
Professional to Student
CHICAGO, Dec. 3 -- President-elect Barack Obama announced his choice Wednesday of New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson to be commerce secretary, saying his one-time rival for the Democratic presidential nomination will be "a key strategist" on economic and other issues confronting the new administration.
Obama said Richardson, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, energy secretary and congressman who has conducted delicate international negotiations, is "uniquely suited for this role as a leading economic diplomat for America." Richardson will also be an important domestic strategist as Obama wrestles with the declining U.S. economy, Obama said.
"Bill Richardson is a leader who shares my values, and he measures progress the same way I do: Are we creating good jobs instead of losing them? Are incomes growing instead of shrinking?" Obama told reporters at a Chicago news conference.
Richardson, 61, the first Hispanic to be selected for Obama's Cabinet, emphasized in brief remarks that he would be involved in helping to create a "new future of energy independence and clean energy jobs."
The New Mexico governor's endorsement of Obama during the Democratic primary campaign was considered valuable in attracting Hispanic voters, who voted decisively in the Nov. 4 election for the Democratic candidate over Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.). Richardson was an early contender for the Democratic nomination but dropped out of the race in January.
"There are some who speak of a team of rivals, but I've never seen it that way," Richardson said of Obama's Cabinet choices. He said some are "past competitors" but not rivals, which "implies something harder-edged."
Richardson is the third former Democratic presidential contender to be invited to join Obama's team, following Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Del.), now the vice president-elect, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), who was nominated Monday to be secretary of state.
Richardson said there is a "vital role for the Department of Commerce in our economic recovery," adding that he plans to use it to help "restore our position of respect in the world."
Switching from English to Spanish, he thanked Hispanics for their support and confidence and said the strong turnout for Obama demonstrated strength and unity. He also said he intends to strengthen connections between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean.
"It will be a great honor to serve a president who recognizes that America's diverse heritage is its greatest strength," he said.
Obama said Richardson "knows that America's reputation in the world is critical, not just to our security but to our prosperity."
After introducing Richardson, Obama was asked if he would support modifying an existing $25 billion federal aid package for the auto industry to provide cash for the Big Three automakers, in view of their rapidly diminishing funds. Obama demurred, saying he first wants to hear what auto executives and lawmakers have to say during hearings on Capitol Hill Thursday and Friday.
The existing aid package is aimed at helping U.S. automakers retool their plants.
Obama added that "Congress did the right thing" last month when it demanded detailed business plans from the auto executives before it would approve billions of dollars in additional aid for the Big Three. At the time, the automakers "were not offering a clear plan for viability over the long term," he said.
Now, Obama said, the executives appear to be "putting forward a more serious set of plans." He said he would not comment on the plans until he has seen the details.
"But I'm glad that they [the executives] recognize the expectations of Congress -- certainly, my expectations -- that we should maintain a viable auto industry, but we should also make sure that any government assistance that's provided . . . is based on realistic assessments of what the auto market is going to be and a realistic plan for how we're going to make these companies viable over the long term," Obama said.
In response to another question, Obama dismissed the idea that commerce secretary represents a "consolation prize" for Richardson, whom many Latinos wanted to see chosen as the first Hispanic secretary of state. Although he had made no secret of his desire to be the nation's top diplomat, that post went to Clinton, Obama's chief rival for the Democratic nomination earlier this year.
"Commerce secretary is a pretty good job," and Richardson is "the best person for that job," Obama said. Richardson's mixture of experience as a diplomat, governor, energy secretary and congressman "means he is going to be a key strategist on all the issues that we work on," Obama said.
"The notion that somehow commerce secretary is not going to be central to everything we do is fundamentally mistaken," he added.
"When people look back and see the entire slate, what they will say is -- not only in terms of my cabinet, but in terms of my White House staff -- I think people are going to say this is one of the most diverse Cabinets and White House staffs of all time," Obama said.
"But more importantly, they're going to say these are all people of outstanding qualifications and excellence," he said. "One of the strong beliefs that I've always held and has been proven to be correct throughout my career is that there's no contradiction between diversity and excellence."
When a questioner asked Richardson why he had shaved off his beard, Obama took the opportunity to tease his latest Cabinet pick.
"I think it was a mistake for him to get rid of it," Obama said. "That whole Western rugged look was really working for him."
My Blogger Posting used : Chapter 3 "Souls of Black Folk" Lit Response

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ch 3 Du Bois "Souls of Black Folk" Lit Response
To begin with, Booker T. Washington’s propaganda was said to have caused the “disfranchisement of the Negro.” [pg 52] Du Bois believed that Washington’s ideals went against the urgent need for the African American to fight for a voice in the ballot. Du Bois quotes, “Mr. Washington withdraws many of the high demands of Negroes as men and American citizens.” One can infer from this that Du Bois believed some of the goals that Mr. Washington preached and advocated for, were those that did not act in accordance with getting the African American the reasonable rights as citizens. Du Bois explains that Mr. Washington would urge the Negroes of “voluntarily throwing them (rights) away and insisting that they do not want them…” [pg 55] Clearly, Mr. Washington’s views in trying to compromise with the North, the South, and the Negro, resulted in much criticism. Even after the Negroes had suffered through the arduous task of attempting to grasp freedom, they were being told to give up these rights and conform themselves as inferior citizens to the white men.
Not only did Du Bois blame Mr. Washington’s propaganda for the disfranchisement of the Negro, but also for the “legal creation of distinct status of civil inferiority for the Negro.” [pg 52] Du Bois claims “Mr. Washington’s programme practically accepts the alleged inferiority of the negro races.” In other words, Washington recognized and consented, the superiority of the white race over that of the black. This belief of Washington was downright opposed by many other African American leaders in the country at that time period. To them this was a sign of weakness for the Negro, and a way of being vulnerable to the white race’s continuous prejudice and discrimination. As Du Bois clarifies “self-respect is worth more than lands and houses, and that all people who voluntarily surrender such respect, or cease striving for it, are not worth civilizing.” [pg 52] In this quote Du Bois is negating Mr. Washington’s proposal of submitting this self worth to the white race, after much anguish and misery that these Negroes went through for many years as former slaves. Du Bois goes on saying “Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the old altitude of adjustment and submission; but adjustment at such a peculiar time as to make his programme unique.” [pg 51] In this citation, Du Bois disapproves of Mr. Washington’s programme with its belief of “adjustment” and “submission.” As opposed to Mr. Washington, Du Bois believed that the Negro should continue the fight for political rights as citizens of the United States of America. Like Du Bois and many other African American leaders, the belief of perseverance was the key in one day receiving these rights for the Negro people. To them, the “voluntary submission” of these rights, and the “cease” of “striving for” them, was indeed without question, incongruous.
Lastly, Mr. Washington’s half truths were said to have assisted and quickened the achievement of “the steady withdrawal of aid from institution for the higher training of the negro.” [pg 52] As Du Bois describes Mr. Washington’s belief, “…that the picture of a lone black boy poring over a French grammar amid the weeds and dirt of a neglected home soon seemed to him the acme of absurdities.” [pg 45] As one can examine the quote, an individual can infer that the Mr. Washington stood against the idea of the education of the Negro as a way of progressing in society. Mr. Washington believed that the Negros success and advancement in society would result from the Industrial Training of which the Negros would take in such places as Tuskegee. Along with Du Bois, many other African American leaders disagreed with this idea of Mr. Washington’s. As it was stated, “Mr. Washington’s programme naturally takes an economic cast, becoming a gospel of Work and Money to such an extent as apparently almost completely to overshadow the higher aims of life.” [pg 51] Like many believed, Mr. Washington’s beliefs and concern in the monetary advancement of the Negro eclipsed strive for higher goals, such as getting an education to reach success. For many of them, it was surprising “that a man of Mr. Washington’s insight cannot see that no such educational system ever has rested or can rest on any other basis than that of the well-equipped college and universities…” [pg 54] Clearly, other well thought of African American leaders like Mr. Washington, found it difficult to understand how such a man with much intellect and reasoning could come to a conclusion as to the belief that the Industrial Training did not depend on higher levels of education from institutions such as college and universities.
Overall, Du Bois justifies his criticism of Mr. Washington’s propaganda aiding and quickening the achievement of “the Disfranchisement of the Negro, The legal creation of distinct status of civil inferiority for the Negro, and the steady withdrawal of aid from institution for the higher training of the negro.” [pg 52] In the book “The Souls of Black Folk,” W.E.B. Du Bois contradicted some of the principles that Booker T. Washington had for the Negro people. Many along with Du Bois agreed that Mr. Washington’s ideals did not comply with the necessity of the Negro’s truth in the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” [pg 59]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
W.E.B. Du Bois "Souls of Black Folk"
Du Bois’s use of Logic engaged the reader with a better understanding of what the African American people went through after their Emancipation. In the story, Du Bois first talks about an instance in his youth when he came to realize the importance that skin color had on society during this time period. He stated, “I was different from the others; or like, mayhap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out of their world by a vast veil.” [pg 8] In this quote, Du Bois clearly recognized that this distinction of him separates him from the rest. The color of his skin forces him to be excluded from the rest of society. This reasoning of Du Bois helps him view the type of the social order that he was living in during that time period, and the role that it played in his life, through the observations that he made when others treated him with disrespect and disregard. As Du Bois explains “slavery was indeed the sum of all villainies, the cause of all sorrow, the root of all prejudice…” [pg 11] Through Du Bois’s reasoning and understanding he comes to realize that in fact slavery is the reason of all the inhumanities his people had to go through. Its sole existence polluted the minds of the American society into believing that the black people living in their country were after all inferior to the whites. Du Bois’s logic in both of these cases portrays this image of hostility between the two races in the American Society during this time period. It sets ground for the reader the idea of difference and lack of equality between the two people.
Du Bois introduced the reader with what the African American people dealt with during that time period through the use of description. In “Souls of Black Folk,” Du Bois sympathized with the African American that was constantly being degraded and debased by the white people in the American society. He shows these emotions through his harsh tone against the Nation that has done nothing in its part to truly provide his people with a sense of freedom. Du Bois portrays this idea of suffrage, despair, hopelessness, and gloom that resulted from this treatment. He states “The nation has not yet found peace from its sins; the freedman has not yet found in freedom his promised land.” [pg 12] What Du Bois is trying to say in this quote, is that Emancipation did not truly free the African American. He portrays the American nation as one lacking peace, probably from all the distortion that the continuous hostility and prejudice between the two races of blacks and whites had caused on the country. Du Bois then goes on describing the African Americans hunt for freedom, even after Emancipation. He quotes, “The first decade was merely a prolongation of the vain search for freedom, the boon that seemed every barely to elude their grasp,-like a will-o’-the-wisp, maddening and misleading the headless host.” [pg 12] Here, Du Bois uses a simile comparing the grasp for freedom with a will-o’-the-wisp. This description helps the reader better portray and depict the real type of Emancipation that the nation provided for the African Americans, one that truly set no one free. He describes this search of freedom as “vain,” which gives the reader a notion of ineffectiveness, all for nothing. Then Du Bois goes into detail about the benefits that were being so difficult to get a hold of and he approaches this with the simile stated above. This just provides the reader with imagery by comparing the two ideas, the fading lights of fire in a will-o’-the-wisp to the advantages that always seem to escape the hands of the freed blacks in the country.
Overall, through the use of Logic and description, Du Bois was able to expose and illustrate the many sufferings that the African American people faced once they were emancipated. These many sufferings, which resulted from the denial of the whites to the African Americans emancipation, truly hurt this race of people. Since the whites always viewed themselves as superior to the black population, this acceptance of the equality was difficult to grasp. This then caused the many hardships that the African Americans were facing at that time, like the inability to truly gain freedom, equality, and happiness. After all, “We are diseased and dying, cried the dark host; we cannot write our vote is vain; what need of education, since we must always cook and serve?” [pg 15]
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Atlanta Exposition Address
Booker T. Washington knew many of the hardships that his fellow people faced as freed citizens. He was aware of the many issues his race would have to overcome to reach success after the Civil War was over. Even though African Americans had gained their freedom, they were socially and economically still worst off than the average white man. Because Washington knew this, he reached out for the whites to help the blacks overcome many of these obstacles that he knew, alone, they could not accomplish. As Mr. Clark Howell states “The whole speech is a platform upon which blacks and whites can stand with full justice to each other.” [pg 4] In his “Atlanta Exposition Address,” Booker T. Washington states that he had a “desire to say something that would cement the friendship of the races and bring about hearty cooperation between them.” [pg 1] Here Washington’s dictions helps illustrate this solid bond that he wishes will one day come about between the two races of whites and blacks. Washington’s diction uses words like “cement” and “hearty” which clearly help depict this strong and loving bond between the two classes of people. It only emphasizes and illustrates what Washington hopes would be one day more than just a dream. In his Address, he states to those of his race to not “underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the Southern white man…” [pg 1] Here, Washington is obviously reaching out to his people to join with the Southern white man, which to him seems to be very significant. With Booker T. Washington being an African American and a speaker in the Atlanta Exposition, it provides the audience of that speech with a sense of authenticity for the orator and ground of belief and trust. This supports the idea as to why this speech made much success for Washington as a writer. Washington goes on explaining how many of these changes can be made through the growth of the Negro in education. He then calls for the assistance of the white man in achieving this. He states that they should be “helping and encouraging them as you are doing on these grounds, and to education of head, hand and heart, you will find that they will buy your surplus land, make blossom the waste places in your fields, and run your factories.” In this quote, Washington is asking for the white man’s assistance in the success of the Negro. He states that this will all result in the ability of the Negro to help make something out that in the end will benefit both races economically. Washington goes on saying “you and your families will be surrounded by the most patient, faithful, law-abiding, and unresentful people that the world has seen.” Here Washington is portraying the Negros as these great people like no other. Through the diction he was able to portray his race as something that was truly appealing. He used words like “patient, faithful, law-abiding, and unresentful” to describe his people. All these words contradicted the typical image that African Americans were usually related to things that consisted of evil and darkness. Washington continues in his call for the Southern whites help stating “you shall have patience at all times the patient, sympathetic help of my race…” [pg 3] Washington could not have possibly been clearer in calling for help. This quote stressed the notion of importance and urgency, that this race of people needed an assisting hand to strive as a whole.
In his “Atlanta Exposition Address,” Booker T. Washington called out to both the blacks and whites to join forces peacefully and brotherly to “make the interests of both races as one.” Washington stressed the need and urgency for such relations all throughout his entire speech. He wanted both races to overcome past racial differences and build on these relationships that would bring out the best in all. African Americans had suffered enough during the long time curse that slavery had on this country. To Booker T. Washington, it was the duty of both of the races to rip the chains of poverty off of the many lost souls that roamed the South. After all, “No man whose vision is bounded by colour can come into contact with what is highest and best in the world.”
Monday, November 17, 2008
American Literature
Annotated APA Bibliography (last 5)
This handbooks main points where the nature of the work, training, other qualifications, advancement, employment, job outlook, and earnings for accountants. The handbook goes into detail about all these main points. For the nature of the work, the handbook describes it as they “help to ensure that the Nation’s firms are run efficiently, its public records kept accurately, and its taxes paid properly and on time.” It is said that they may also “act as personal advisors…providing clients with accounting and tax help.” They also mention how there are variations of job duties based on the four major fields of accounting: “public, management, government accounting…” The handbook then goes into detail about these fields. Special software and other technological advancements are said to help and change the “nature of the work of most accountants…” The work environment for accountants is depicted as “work in a typical office setting” and working “a standard forty-hour week” and usually in “urban areas.” According to the source, “at least a bachelor’s degree in business, accounting or a related field” is needed for most accountants. Also, “any accountant filing a report with the SEC is required by law to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), which the “CPA examination is rigorous” and most who take it don’t pass every part of it on the first try. CPA’s have the advantage of getting hired quicker, but “previous experience in accounting…can also help get a job.” Most importantly, there is a lot of job employment opportunities, “accountants and auditors held about 1.3 million jobs in 2006.” Accountants are also said to enjoy standard benefits and the higher education and more experience, results in better pay earned. This handbook was great, but still didn’t provide enough examples of the information they provided. This handbook can be improved if given some insight from actual accountants and their point of view of things. With this, the reader will be able to feed on what other accountants have to say and create a sense of credibility for the article. This handbook really helps the reader understand their career because it provides enough description of what really can be expected for accountants.
Cheng Kai-Wen, (2007) . The Curriculum Design in Universities from the Perspective of Providers in Accounting Education.
Education, Volume .127. Retrieved November, 11, 2008, from
This article gave the definition of accounting as “an information system that identifies, records, and communicates the economic events of an organization to interested users.” It mainly talks about how accounting “plays significant and diverse roles in business” and “greatly affects the economic development of a nation.” They point out how problems in education of accountings is a major problem and criticizes its content and curricular design. This article was based on a questionnaire survey of Taiwan seniors enrolling in accounting apartments, criticizing the curricular design and content and how it should be changed. It goes into depth about some of the major changes that they would like to make to. This changes in the education would then be more effective for when these students do become accountants in the job market. Some of the things that are missing are explanations and detail. The article didn’t go into explaining how these changes would really make a difference to the accountants later in the job market. It didn’t describe how their choices of change were best compared to those already in the curriculum. This would have really helped the reader have a better understanding and comparison of the both ideas. It did not say as to why these changes that they made would really improve their understanding and background in accounting. If the following just mentioned could be added to this conversation, the reader would better understand what it is that is being argued in the article. This article helped the reader better understand the career in accounting because it does show that there are issues with the career education as of now. If these changes are not made, the education for accounting may not be as effective. This can be a problem for someone who is interested in accounting because if they do not feel that the course is effective, than why bother enrolling in it. This can then discourage an inspired student who is interested in accounting to change their mind about the field and even decide not to take the course. Overall, this article gave an overview of what could be some of the problems that accounting is facing today.
FASB Careers: Technical Accounting Positions. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from
This articles main focus was on giving a basic overview of what is expected for someone who is trying to work for the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The article provides the basic overview of the job description for a project manager/assistant project manager. They also get into depth about some of the requirements such as education, experience, understanding, and qualities. It provides a list of the basic things that they do in this particular job. These can include the following: “analyzing technical issues and develop proposals to resolve the issues that consider the needs of users of financial statements, lead and manage projects, recommend solutions for accounting and reporting issues, communicate about FASB projects to FASB Board members, manage the decision-making process on assigned projects, and report to the Technical Director.“ This lays out the basics of what to expect in the job market concerning jobs such as these. This gives the reader an insight of what they might be looking forward to if enrolling in a career such as accounting. This article is missing detail and explanation. It did not provide the reader with enough detail for them to understand what this job really is and what it is that it is asking for. It used terms that might be unknown to the reader, and did not provide a definition. Someone who does not have background information on such terms would be lost trying to reason out what it is that the article is trying to state. If the article were to go into depth about these things, the reader would have a better understanding of what is being said. It would get the reader to see if this is something that they would look forward to for a job opportunity. The article did however, show an example of a certain job that could be offered to someone with a good background in accounting. It helped the reader better understand what would be some of the job expectations in such opportunities in working experiences such as these. Overall, this article gave a better understanding of what future accountants might be looking at concerning job opportunities and their expectations.
Jost, K. (2002). Accountants under fire. CQ Researcher , 12, 241-264. Retrieved November 14, 2008, from
This articles was based on the bankruptcy of the Enron company and how its accounting techniques affected this outcome. It argues that accounting regulations should be made to avoid problems such as these. In this article. there were some that defended the argument and others that were completely against it. Those that were against these accusations, were supporting accountants in their field. It was said in this article, that accountants usually enroll in corrupt techniques to hide the companies losses. It gave a sense of importance to the accounting career because of its crucial role in the market economy. Its success depends on the accuracy of the records kept by the accountants. If they fail to do the job correctly, the company that these accountants work for, can suffer great consequences. A good example of this was the Enron company as well as others mentioned in this article. “Accounting traditionally ranks among the most trusted of professions and occupations.” Due to this, the company is trusting its accountants with the success of their industry. This article also argues how these issues can result in involvement with the law. These malpractices that are usually done by accountants can and will result in a court room. Enron for example “faces the likelihood of hundreds of millions of dollars in liability for purported accounting malpractice.” This emphasizes the idea that errors in accounting can be extremely costly to the company. This article is missing the details in what exactly was that the accountants did in this case to results in the companies bankruptcy. It also was missing the examples of the type of accounting regulations that were being demanded for accountants and how they would be effective in preventing the disastrous results of a companies bankruptcy. If these points could be added to the article the argument would be more effective to the reader and give a better understanding of the issue. This article gave a basic overview of what are some risks that accountants take in enrolling in such trusted and influential careers such as accounting. It gives the basic issue that most accountants face, which is their crucial role in the market economy.
Pace Steve (November 2008) . The Last Word. (accountant’s management of college athletics program). Journal of Accountancy, v206. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from accountant&ai2=RF&locID=depaul
This article was the opinion of an accountant giving his story and how accounting provided him with great success. Steve Pace states “I’m the only CPA on the Big 12 staff, and most of our members’ accountant-business managers aren’t certified.” He goes on saying that “CPA training and experience becomes even more valuable.” This adds to the importance of being licensed as an accountant and how it can be beneficial when you attain a job as an accountant. It shows how these qualities can come in handy later on. Pace goes on describing accounting from his point of view. He says “More than any other fields, accounting extends into many areas of business.” This gives the reader an opportunity to see that in accounting there are a variety of fields that go into the areas of business, it is not just focused on a single one. Pace continues the article saying what he did and the importance it had in this life changing experience for him. He states “I was quickly given the opportunity to work with clients’ senior executives and take on a wide range of responsibilities.” This gives an insight of some of the opportunities that can be given to you as an accountant and the fact that these provide a range of responsibilities for you. Pace formed a privately held company. It is now “the leading payment processing service company of its type in the United States.” He goes on saying “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without public accounting experience.” This adds to the importance of what accounting can really do for you and its positive outcomes. This article is missing some detail. It did not provide the reader with enough information as to how he moved his way up in accounting and some of the hardships that came along with getting to the point where he is. If he were to provide this, the reader would be able to understand the story better and really see how accounting played a vital role in his life. This article however, did help the reader have a better understanding that accounting can provide you with life changing opportunities and a success in life.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Annotated APA Bibliography (first 5)
Works Cited
(August 12, 2008) . Be an Accountant. Europe Intelligence Wire. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from ant&ai2=KE&locID=depaul
Some of the main points in this article were about how there is a higher demand for accountants as the industry in the economy continues to grow. The article states “The global demand for qualified accountants has never been higher, nor has their work ever been more varied.” This gives the impression that accounting is a good job to look forward to since its need is great. This provides the reader with a sense of interest in the career that they are seeking. This article also states how accounting is a “rewarding career” and that it is a way of “maximizing opportunities in the job market.” The article goes on by saying that “Opting for an accountancy career opens a world of unlimited possibilities, including an exciting international profession.” This can appeal to those that might be interested in traveling during work. The article did a great way of laying out these great possibilities but was unable to state how this would be attained. The article didn’t mention how the job has been varied. It only stated it so, but it did not go into detail as to “how?” The article also didn’t mention how accounting is a “rewarding career” and how it is a way of “maximizing opportunities in the job market.” This missing information should be given to the reader to help them understand what is expected of them in this career and what it is that they will be looking for. Details could definitely be added to this article as well as emphasis on main ideas and key points. It would make the argument stronger and convince the reader that accounting is a good career to seek. This helps understand the career of accounting in a sense that there is a high demand for it and it should be easier to get a job in this field. It also helps the reader to know that there is an opportunity for advancement in the job market. The experience of traveling all over the world also helps to understand what type of life one would live if pursuing this career. Overall this article gave somewhat of a brief overview of what accounting can provide for you as well as the opportunities that it bring.
(November 3, 2008) .Simply Accounting by Sage Poised for Continued Growth With New Solutions and Services for Start-ups and Growing Small Businesses; The #1 Choice of Accountants and Small Businesses in Canada(1), Simply Accounting 2009 Includes a Free Express Version of Simply Accounting First Step 2009, Plus Valuable Business Services Including Secure Credit Card Processing. Internet Wire. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from ants&ai2=KE&locID=depaul
The main point of this article was of how Simply Accounting 2009 was a great new product line service for accountants and small businesses. The purpose of the product line is to help facilitate the work of the accountants in small business. It states that this new product line along with its new service offerings “will be introducing more convenient business services in the very near future to help businesses from start up to success.” This article also provides the reader with what is included in the Simply Accounting 2009 such as “integration with business management services that place accounting tasks and expanded support features at the fingertips of small businesses, to help save them time and money.” Even though this article goes into detail about their product, it does not specify exactly how it is that these features can be crucial to an accountant. What is so special about the product? This article is missing the supporting details that could help convince the reader that this product could really help facilitate an accountants job. It is lacking the information as to how this is all done. An accountant might look on this article and think “well how is this really going to help me?” Therefore, the article needs to provide more supporting details and explanation. Once these two elements are added to the argument, the reader might be more able to understand how this service can really be beneficial to them and might even convince the reader to purchase this service. This helps the reader better understand the career because it provides information about helpful services that can be used to facilitate the career. From this the reader can infer that such services might be needed probably because the job can be arduous. This might or might not discourage the reader into seeking a career in accounting. In a way a person might look at accounting as too difficult and time consuming. On the other hand, another reader might see it as a good career to seek since there are products out there that can help facilitate the work.
(November 10, 2008) . ADP Introduces Enhanced Payroll Solution for Accountants to Offer Greater Flexibility; Accountants Can Choose Do-It Yourself for Full Service Tax Filing for Their Small Business Clients. Internet Wire. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from atnts&ai2=KE&locID=depaul
This articles main point was that ADP Small Business Services is the “perfect solution” for accountants “to make the job easier.” It goes on by saying that “ADP works closely with the accountant community to better understand their business challenges.” From this, the reader can infer that these services are based on the opinions of what other accountants in the industry might consider helpful and beneficial to their work. Another thing that this article states is that “Payroll can be a tedious job.” This gives the reader an idea that Payroll might not be something that you might want to work on alone. This then serves as a form of introduction for the service that they are selling. The article continues talking about the service stating that “ADP guarantees accuracy and since they are filling all the federal, state and local taxes, they assume regulatory responsibilities as well.” This statement provides the service with a sense of credibility, since it is being used by the “federal, state, and local” governments to fill the taxes. Stating this makes the service sound like something that really could be beneficial to a company or small business. Some of the things that are missing in this article are details and explanations. The article states that the ADP Small Business Services could be a “perfect solution” for accountants “to make the job easier,” but it never goes into detail explaining how it is that it does this. This lack of detail and explanation eliminates the credibility of the service and leaves the reader with questions about the service being offered. The article needs to provide more supporting details about the service and really get into depth about some of the things that they can offer to the reader. They do not even mention the price of the service which is the main concern of a buyer interested in a product or service. This article helps the reader understand the career of accounting as a job that can really be difficult with all these “tedious” payrolls that must be done. It also provides the reader with the background information that there are services out there to help facilitate the work and not stress over things during the job.
Accounting . (2008). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from
Encyclopedia Britannica Online:
The articles main point is to provide a brief overview of what accountants do. It also goes on explaining where accounting can be developed. The article states that “accounting provides information…through the maintenance of date, the analysis and interpretation of these data, and the preparation of various kinds of reports. This provides the reader with an idea of what is expected of them as an accountant. They are provided with examples of the things that they are going to be dealing with such as keeping data and interpreting it. With this idea, the reader right there and then knows that he/she needs a great deal of background in math. Analyzing data and keeping records can be something very difficult. Therefore, the reader that is interested in pursuing this career needs to know that they need a great understanding in these types of things. Some one who is not interested in a great deal of analyzing and keeping data, might realize after reading this article, that accounting might not be the right career for them. The article also states that “Accounting information can be developed for any kind of organization, not just for privately owned, profit-seeking businesses.” This gives the reader an idea of where their work can be practiced. They have more options of where they can work than just the typical “privately owned, profit-seeking businesses.” Some of the things that are missing in this argument are details and emphasis on a main idea. The article states what an accountant does but doesn’t go into depth about it. The reader that is interested in such a career always wants to know more than enough information about one thing, and this article didn’t do so. It says that they have more options of where they can work than the typical “privately owned, profit-seeking business,” but doesn’t go into detail as to exactly where are some other places that they can practice their work. The article needs to understand the reader and provide more information than just an overview of a career. They need to add on to the explanation and detail to help the reader better understand the career that they are interested in seeking to know what is expected. Overall, this article helped the reader see what are some of the things that can be anticipated as an accountant.
Auditing. (2008). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from
Encyclopedia Britannica Online:
This articles main idea was of some of the things that could be expected as an accountant. The article states that “the public accountant performs tests to determine whether the management’s statements were prepared in accord with generally accepted accounting principles and fairly present the firm’s financial position and operating results.” It states that their “opinions are based on samples of data.” This gives the reader an example of some of the things that accountants do. It also goes on by saying that “in the United States…states have set legal requirements for licensing.” This provides the reader with the thought that depending on where they reside, the legal requirements for licensing may vary. This also adds to what could be expected from accountants. The article states that “audit failures occur from time to time, however, drawing public attention to the practice of accounting…while also leading to a refinement of the standards that guide the audit process.” The article mentions that “the best any auditor can provide, even under the most-favorable circumstances, is a reasonable assurance of the accuracy of the financial reports.” This adds importance to the work of an accountant since it can create crucial results in the economy. It even gives an example of how accountants use their work to overstate profits; “Telecommunications firm WorldCom Inc. used misleading accounting techniques to hide expenses and overstate profits by $11 billion.” This also shows how accountants are constantly under the public attention from the result of their work. This idea might discourage some who were interested in accounting, since accuracy can be crucial in this field. The article also mentions some of the accountants responsibilities. It states that “A company’s internal accountants are primarily responsible for preparing financial statements.” This provides the reader with an overview of what their responsibilities may consist of. This article is missing details and supporting evidence. Though it did provide some, it didn’t include enough information. This helps the reader understand the career better because it gives examples of what is expected, some of the responsibilities they will take on, and the risks that the job can create. Overall, this article gave the basics that can be found in a career such as accounting.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Literary Criticism Article on "The Pit and the Pendulum"
“Apocalyptic Imagery and the Fragmentation of the Psyche: ‘The Pit and the Pendulum,’” introduces many arguments to the reader. Throughout this piece, Malloy argued that in “The Pit and the Pendulum,” Edgar Allen Poe “uses apocalyptic imagery as part of the psychological reconception of the myth of the Fall” with the association of the divine with infancy, childhood, special states of consciousness. (pg 86, 88) Along with this she argues Poe‘s interest in psychology, especially the language of despair. (pg 84) Also she relates the story to the Book of Revelation which “sets forth the promise of salvation, the eternal life granted the faithful.” (pg 83) Last of all, she argues Poe’s insistence in the “boundary between reason and instinct.” (pg 92)
With so many arguments, Malloy made a good use of citation through her piece when using other critics of Poe’s similar ideas. When she made an argument, she would have enough supporting details to get her point accross and make the argument valid. Malloy was able to use not only her opinions, but those of others who shared the same ideas. She would state the arguments and add on to that claim with supporting details. In citing her sources, she used phrases like: “as David H. Hirsch has pointed out, in the ‘Drake-Halleck’ review of 1836, according to M.H. Abrams, as Bonaparte points out, as Blake’s ‘Songs of Innocence’ and Wordsworth’s ‘Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood’ show,” and many more. (pg 83, 84, 85, 87) As a result of these citations, the reader established a sense of credibility for Malloy.
Even though Malloy was able to introduce all these arguments and support them with countless of supporting details, her flaw was in having too many arguments. She was not able to focus on just the most important key points. As a result of this, the article was too broad, dealing with many ideas and opinions all at once. When the reader was faced with so many arguments, he/she lost focus on the main point of the entire piece. This caused the whole argument of the article to loose its emphasis. Therefore, Malloy’s article was not as effective as it could have been.
In order to improve her article, Malloy would have to narrow down the topic. She should just focus on a few key points and really emphasize those arguments through the article. Malloy should continue using the opinions and points of views of other critics of Poe’s to support her thoughts. Supporting details and counterarguments could only work in favor of her writing piece. Once Malloy looses the broadness of her piece, the article would be more effective.
Overall, in “Apocalyptic Imagery and the Fragmentation of the Psyche: ‘The Pit and the Pendulum,’” Jeanne M. Malloy made good use of citation and supporting details. She was able to use other critics of Poe’s views in her favor to backup her arguments. Malloy was able to establish a sense of credibility through her piece. She lost the articles focus by mentioning too many arguments in the article. Malloy should have emphasized just the most important key points of the main idea, and kept the argument more narrow. This would have made her article more effective to the reader.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Biography in Fiction
Kate Chopin is the author of many great stories that are still being read of today. Chopin portrayed the inequality between men and women throughout these stories. Her writing was emphasize on women and their struggle to live in a society based on the supremacy of men. Most of these stories were influenced by past events in Chopin’s life. Her life during the Civil War, the death of her father and husband, growing up surrounded by women, and her life in the south, all inspired Chopin’s writing.
The Civil War played a vital role in Chopin‘s life and writing. Experiencing the struggles between whites and blacks, she lost her one and only close female friend, Kitty Garesche. The loss of this relationship can be viewed in a similar form in her story “Desiree’s Baby.” In the story, Desiree and her husband loose their relationship because of the questioning of why their baby was black. This one relationship that was once filled with love was lost forever over this issue. Chopin’s lost relationship with her friend, Kitty Garasche, relates to that depicted in “Desiree’s Baby” because of the issue of whites against blacks.
Just like the Civil War inspired Chopin’s writing, so did such tragic events like the deaths of her father and husband. In her biography, it was stated that Chopin’s father died in a train that crossed a bridge that collapsed. This event could be related to the story “The Story of An Hour.” In this story, Mrs. Mallard’s husband was said to be killed in a railroad disaster. Both these events are based on a tragic death dealing with railroad transport. Another death that inspired Chopin’s writing was the death of her husband. In a similar way it relates to “The Story of An Hour” because of the fact that Mrs. Mallard, like Chopin, also looses her husband.
Another major influence that shaped Chopin’s writing were the women that she grew up with. Her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were depicted through Chopin’s stories. In her stories, she illustrates these women that live under the rule of their husbands. Both her stories “Desiree’s Baby” and “The Story of An Hour” indicate that these women had to live under the rule of their husbands, for women did not have a voice in those times. Women could not speak back to their husbands, men had the final word, and women had to obey their husbands because they did not own themselves when they were married.
Most of all, life in the South for Chopin was viewed through her writing. In “Desiree’s Baby,” Chopin describes the slaves working on the plantations. “It was an October afternoon; the sun was just sinking. Out in the still fields the negroes were picking cotton.” This relates to the time after Chopin’s death, when she had to take over the plantation for a year. She probably narrates this from her own account and experiences on the plantation after her husbands absence.
Overall, past events in Chopin’s life influenced her as an author. Her stories were inspired by many of the things she dealt with through her life. Some things that inspired her writing were; her life during the Civil War, the death of her father and husband, growing up surrounded by women, and her life in the south. Chopin clearly illustrated the imbalance between women and mean through her writing. Also, she strongly emphasized her stories around the basis of a society ruled by men. As a writer, Chopin was able to connect her past events in her life, to those of the characters in her stories.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Story of An Hour
Pick out atleast five phrases which you think are especially important to the story (what you might mak on a printed text.) Briefly describe why you chose each.
1. "Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul."
- I chose this quote because it shows how this grief was so powerful that it was wearing her down, not only physically but emotionally as well. Also, I liked the way that Chopin used personification, it adds imagery to the sentence.
2. "She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams."
- I chose this quote because of the way that the similie helps illustrate Mrs. Mallard as this hopeless character who has no other option but to cry. The description of "her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair" gives this impression of despair and depression. Also, I thought that by this motion, it was a way of her finding comfort on the cushion of the chair, as if anything could possibly comfort her in a time like this.
3. "She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been."
- I chose this quote because of the way that Chopin describes Mrs. Mallard's heart trouble. She knows what is taking over her and yet she fights back. This gave me a notion that she is expecting her death but is not willing to give up just yet. It depicted Mallard fighting internally, within herself, to try to avoid this condition of hers from taking away her life. Eventhough, she knew it was inevitable. Overall, great diction. I like the way this foreshadows the upcoming events in the story.
4. "And yet she had loved him--sometimes."
- I chose this quote because of it being so typical to everyday women in our times. It merely shows how women preserve the love that they have for their men regardless of what ever wrongs they received from them. The word "sometimes" greatly emphasizes this concept.
5. "Free! Body and soul free!" she kept whispering.
- I chose this quote because it added a twist to the story because it sounds as though she were claiming her victory of finally being free. Almost as if she would have been longing for this to happen. She goes from crying and feeling hopeless, to this feeling of joy and accomplishment.
What Questions about character or motivation of plot does this story leave in your mind?
1. Was Mrs. Millard happy that her husband had died?
2. Why does the story go from Mrs. Millard feeling depressed and emotionally overwhelmed with her husbands death, to feeling somewhat happy and victorious?
3. If Brently Mallard was not the one that died, then why was his name on the list of "killed"?
4. What were some things that made Mrs. Millard not love her husband at times?
5. Why does Mrs. Millard feel free?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Harriet Jacobs-If You couldnt read the Handout...Go Here
I know your eyes probably hurt from trying to read that blurry I found a link for all of you to check out...that way you wont need to stress your eyes trying to figure out what the writing here it is...
you will need to print out Chapter 1-Childhood...Chapter 7-The Lover...and that first paragraph of Ch 10-A Perilous Passage in the Slave Girl's Life....
Love you all...
Amy Carrillo aka "Mexikkan Blond"
Monday, October 13, 2008
2) Lincoln thinks that the citizens of the country, should give respect to those who lost their lives fighting for everybodys freedom, by continuing the fight for that same cause. Lincoln uses this last sentence as a way to reach the audience (pathos) to persuade the American society that the fight for freedom and equality is very important and significant, because the he does not want the life of those who fought in the war to be lost in vein. This sentence serves as a way for Lincol to reach his audience through the use of emotions. I think this sentence got the readers to see reality and respect the deceased. My sentence would go like this: Why make the lives of our fellow citizens, who have fought with heart and honor, to claim the freedom, that our forefathers have brought upon us, to be lost in vain?
3) Both the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address were documents written to unify the people to fight for their freedom. The Declaration of Independece is written to declare the colonists free from Britain and the Gettysburg Address to convince the people of the country to persist the fight for freedom and to give a cause to those who lost their lives in the war. The Declaration of Independence was a document written in a very demanding and harsh tone, in which the King of England was attacked for all his wrong doings to the colonies. The address had a more of a persuasive tone, reaching out to the fellow citizens to continue to fight for freedom.
4) Troughout my life, I have heard many persuasive speeches. They included supporting ideas, thoughts, and actions to take. In a way they compare to Lincoln's address, because they serve that same purpose as to why they want something to be done and how.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Scarlet Letter (Custom House)
An introduction is something that introduces: as a (1): a part of a book or treatise preliminary to the main portion. ( An author uses an introduction to present the reader with background information on how or why the story was written. The introduction can help the reader better understand the story by giving valuable information, such as; the time period, customs, religious background, important characters, etc. It also helps the reader get to understand and fully grasp the author's point of view. Without an introduction, the reader would not be able to understand some ideas or concepts behind the story. Nathaniel Hawthorne gives the reader background information in his introduction so that the reader is more familiar with the Custom-House.
The primary purpose for the Custom-House introduction was to give the reader a better understanding of the people living in the Custom-House and their ways of living. In the introduction, the reader is given an overview of Hawthorne's points of views on the Custom-House. He thinks that those who once occupied Salem, were hurting it. He states "by her own merchants and ship-owners, who permit her wharves to crumble to ruin..." (Custom-House 6) The introduction also gave the reader the background information about the "Scarlet Letter" and how the diary of Pue will be the basic outline for the story. He states "Prying further into the manuscipt, I found the record of other doings and sufferings of this singular woman, for most of which the reader is refferd to the story entitled "The Scarlet Letter..." (Custom-House p32) He goes on saying "the main facts of that story are authorized and authenticated by the document of Mr. Surveyor Pue." Hawthorne is basically citing his sources of information.
2. What significant change does Hawthorne admit to making in telling the story contained in the diary?
Hawthorne admits to putting his own twist to the story in the diary. He states "I must not be understood as affirming, that, in the dressing up of the tale, and imagining the motives and modes of passion that influenced the characters who figure in it. I have invariably confined myself withing the limits of the old Surveyor's half a dozen sheets of foolscrap." (Custom-House p32) Hawthorne is basically saying that his story is inspired by actual events that took place, but still influenced by things of his imagination and creation. Therefore, not all things in this book are true. Hawthorne was just adding interest, meaning, and character to the story or events that were told in the diary. One can say, that Hawthorne used the diary as the outline for the story.
Hawthorne took it upon himself to create this story by putting himself in that time period even though he may not have been familiar with it. It may seem simple, but creating a story based on true events and been restricted on not violating the authenticity of them, can be very challenging. Hawthorne took a risk in doing so. He states "On the contrary, I have allowed myself, as to such points, nearly altogether as much license as if the facts had been entirely of my own invention. What I contend for is the authenticity of the outline." (Custom-House p32) He is basically stating that his whole purpose is to keep the outline of the story true. The other factors that will play in the story wont be real or based on real events.
3. What potential impact will this change have on the story?
The fact that Hawthorne made this into his own work, will have a great impact on the story. Since the story was based on a diary, which to many might not have seemed interesting, Hawthorne gave it life, meaning and a purpose. One can thank Hawthorne for doing so. Maybe the diary itself was not interesting or exciting, but the events and people in it were. Hawthorne just brought the story to life with his own work. Overall, he turned the story into an engaging narritive to the reader.
The fact that Hawthorne was able to do so, to one may seem amazing. To create a story based on true events and giving it your own thoughts can be difficult. What could be even more difficult is to be able to keep the authenticity of the actual occurings. Hawthorne was able to do so. He took this great challenge as a writer and was able to complete his goal. Thanks to Hawthorne, the story was brought to life and now recognized wordly for its success.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Anne Bradstreet Response
Anne Bradstreet
Suffering from paralysis, strong and persistent Anne Bradstreet did not allow for her illness to deprive her from living a happy life. She was a mother to eight children and a wife to Simon Bradstreet, whom she loved dearly. Anne was well-educated and a liberated thinker. She was very passionate about poetry and soon became a poet herself. Little did she know that her work would one day be open to the public. In her poem “The Author to Her Book” she degrades her work and herself.
In “The Author to Her Book,” Anne Bradstreet strongly criticizes herself and her work very unconstructively. “Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain.” (The Author to Her Book) This metaphor is describing her writings which are the offspring of her brain. She also has a great way of diction throughout her piece. When she views her writings as “ill-formed offspring,” one can see she doesn’t really think of her work as anything of importance or worth looking at. Anne uses diction by referring to her brain as “My feeble brain.” In this phrase she views her brain as something very week and not strong, lacking knowledge and intellect. Something one would question, since she was very well educated and clever. “Where errors were not lessened.” (The Author to Her Book) In this phrase, Anne is trying to say that her pieces of work still contained many imperfections and needed much work. Therefore, not prepared for being published or brought out to the open.
Not only does Anne pass judgment on her work, but also upon herself. “I cast thee by as one unfit for light.” (The Author to Her Book) Anne sees herself as “unfit for light.” She doesn’t feel worthy of being on the spot light or to even be given any attention. She goes on in her piece stating, “Thy visage was so irksome in my sight.” In this phrase, one can say that Anne views her appearance as something extremely irritating and annoying. “I washed thy face, but more defects I saw, And rubbing off a spot still made a flaw.” (The Author to Her Book) In Anne‘s frustration and disappointment towards viewing herself, she probably felt that washing her face would change her appearance, but facing sad reality that it did nothing. She then goes on mentioning her legs as a flaw, due to the paralysis. “I stretched thy joints to make thee even feet, Yet still thou run’st more hobbling than is meet.” (The Author to Her Book) Evidently, Anne is pointing out her imperfections and her defects. The fact that she is suffering from paralysis must hurt her deeply. Seeing that her feet are weak she is forced to limp. This probably is the result of her lack in self-esteem. “In better dress to trim was my mind, But nought save homespun cloth i’ th’ house I find. In this array mongst vulgars may‘st thou roam.” (The Author to Her Book) Anne is criticizing herself and the way she dresses. She uses the word “vulgars” depicting those characterized by ignorance that she must roam about with in the type of clothing she is in.
Overall, one can see in the many ways that Anne Bradstreet belittles herself and her work through out the poem. She probably resents the fact that her poems were published. “The Author to Her Book,” is a great piece of writing in which one can view the type of reaction Anne had towards the postings of her work without her consent. She has a great use of diction and metaphor throughout the entire poem. Anne used words like “irksome, blemishes, and hobbling,” to depict herself to the audience and for use of imagery. She used Pathos in a way for the audience to see where she is coming from with her thoughts and to get her point across that her writings nor herself were worthy of the public.
Anne Bradstreet
In 1612, Anne Bradstreet was born in Northampton, England, to the parents Thomas Dudley and Dorothy Yorke. She “was a well educated girl, tutored in history, several languages and literature…” (Biography) At 16 she was married to 25 year old Simon Bradstreet. In 1630, her along with her family emigrated to America. The three month journey was difficult for Anne due to the harsh living conditions and bad weather. Anne's father and husband along with
“John Winthrop made up the Boston settlement's government.” (Biography) Even after arriving, Anne still found it difficult to adapt. She became ill after suffering from paralysis, but this didn't hold back Anne in living a happy life. Once her and her husband settled down and had their house made, they had 8 children, whom she much loved and cared for. One tragic night, the Bradstreet home caught fire and the family was left homeless. Soon after they got back on their feet and went on about their lives. Simon Bradstreet was always traveling due to his political duties. Because of this, Anne always found herself at home with the children. In her past time she read her fathers books and taught her children. Poetry was her one of her passions. "She wrote for herself, her family, and close circle of educated friends, and did not intend on publication." (Biography) Her work was secretly copied by her brother-in-law and published in England, where it did quite well. Her poetry was influenced by her life experiences, religion, and her vast love for her family and husband. She was a free minded thinker and an early feminist. Her health weakened after being struck with tuberculosis. Short after, she lost her daughter to illness. Ann kept strong and her acceptance of death said her daughter to be in a better place. On September 16, 1672, at age 60, in Andover, Massachusetts, she passed away.
Anne Bradstreet
In 1612, Anne Bradstreet was born in Northampton, England, to the parents Thomas Dudley and Dorothy Yorke. At 16 she was married to 25 year old Simon Bradstreet. In 1630, Anne and her family emigrated to America. She found the 3 month journey very difficult due to the harsh living conditions and bad weather. Even after their arrival, Anne still found it difficult to adapt. Anne's father and husband along with John Winthrop made up the British settlements government. Anne was very well educated. She was tutored in literature, history and various languages. She then suffered from paralysis, but this didn't hold her back in living a happy life. After her and her husband settled down and made a home, she had 8 children. Unfortunately, one night their house caught fire and were left homeless. Soon enough they got back on their feet and continued on with their lives.
Cabeza De Vaca

This picture to me depicts Cabeza De Vaca's experience with the Indians. It depicts the Indians way of dressing and hard labor. Cabeza De Vaca had to live like them under the circumstances. He performed the job and eventually dressed like them. He eventually had to be accustomed to their ways of living since he hadn't found the Spaniards after the shipwreck. Cabeza De Vaca describes his happenings as exausting and painful. Maybe because of the fact that as a settler he didn't perform much hard labor after all. Compared to his easy way of life in Spain, what his life became while living with the Indians could be seeing as unwished and miserable. It wasn't anything how Cabeza De Vaca would have expected.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Christopher Columbus

In this picture one can see the arrival of the settlers to the New World. The Indians look surprised and cautious about them. You can see this by the way they stand, leaning back not really sure to aproach the settlers. In the background you can see the settlers already posting up a cross. This refers to the very strong religious background of Christianity that these settlers had at that time. The differences between the Indians and the settlers is shown very clearly. The settlers are fully dressed and the Indians with little coverings. In this picture you can see the Indians offering what looks to be valuable materials like gold and other metals. The settlers look pleased and stand a firm ground. This shows how Christopher Columbus's settlers saw the Indians as people they could easily take advantage of. Which later carries on to all the tragedies and malignant actions the settlers take on the Indians.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
- The twigged tree like the dogs legs.