Sunday, November 16, 2008

Annotated APA Bibliography (first 5)

Works Cited
(August 12, 2008) . Be an Accountant. Europe Intelligence Wire. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from ant&ai2=KE&locID=depaul

Some of the main points in this article were about how there is a higher demand for accountants as the industry in the economy continues to grow. The article states “The global demand for qualified accountants has never been higher, nor has their work ever been more varied.” This gives the impression that accounting is a good job to look forward to since its need is great. This provides the reader with a sense of interest in the career that they are seeking. This article also states how accounting is a “rewarding career” and that it is a way of “maximizing opportunities in the job market.” The article goes on by saying that “Opting for an accountancy career opens a world of unlimited possibilities, including an exciting international profession.” This can appeal to those that might be interested in traveling during work. The article did a great way of laying out these great possibilities but was unable to state how this would be attained. The article didn’t mention how the job has been varied. It only stated it so, but it did not go into detail as to “how?” The article also didn’t mention how accounting is a “rewarding career” and how it is a way of “maximizing opportunities in the job market.” This missing information should be given to the reader to help them understand what is expected of them in this career and what it is that they will be looking for. Details could definitely be added to this article as well as emphasis on main ideas and key points. It would make the argument stronger and convince the reader that accounting is a good career to seek. This helps understand the career of accounting in a sense that there is a high demand for it and it should be easier to get a job in this field. It also helps the reader to know that there is an opportunity for advancement in the job market. The experience of traveling all over the world also helps to understand what type of life one would live if pursuing this career. Overall this article gave somewhat of a brief overview of what accounting can provide for you as well as the opportunities that it bring.

(November 3, 2008) .Simply Accounting by Sage Poised for Continued Growth With New Solutions and Services for Start-ups and Growing Small Businesses; The #1 Choice of Accountants and Small Businesses in Canada(1), Simply Accounting 2009 Includes a Free Express Version of Simply Accounting First Step 2009, Plus Valuable Business Services Including Secure Credit Card Processing. Internet Wire. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from ants&ai2=KE&locID=depaul

The main point of this article was of how Simply Accounting 2009 was a great new product line service for accountants and small businesses. The purpose of the product line is to help facilitate the work of the accountants in small business. It states that this new product line along with its new service offerings “will be introducing more convenient business services in the very near future to help businesses from start up to success.” This article also provides the reader with what is included in the Simply Accounting 2009 such as “integration with business management services that place accounting tasks and expanded support features at the fingertips of small businesses, to help save them time and money.” Even though this article goes into detail about their product, it does not specify exactly how it is that these features can be crucial to an accountant. What is so special about the product? This article is missing the supporting details that could help convince the reader that this product could really help facilitate an accountants job. It is lacking the information as to how this is all done. An accountant might look on this article and think “well how is this really going to help me?” Therefore, the article needs to provide more supporting details and explanation. Once these two elements are added to the argument, the reader might be more able to understand how this service can really be beneficial to them and might even convince the reader to purchase this service. This helps the reader better understand the career because it provides information about helpful services that can be used to facilitate the career. From this the reader can infer that such services might be needed probably because the job can be arduous. This might or might not discourage the reader into seeking a career in accounting. In a way a person might look at accounting as too difficult and time consuming. On the other hand, another reader might see it as a good career to seek since there are products out there that can help facilitate the work.

(November 10, 2008) . ADP Introduces Enhanced Payroll Solution for Accountants to Offer Greater Flexibility; Accountants Can Choose Do-It Yourself for Full Service Tax Filing for Their Small Business Clients. Internet Wire. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from atnts&ai2=KE&locID=depaul

This articles main point was that ADP Small Business Services is the “perfect solution” for accountants “to make the job easier.” It goes on by saying that “ADP works closely with the accountant community to better understand their business challenges.” From this, the reader can infer that these services are based on the opinions of what other accountants in the industry might consider helpful and beneficial to their work. Another thing that this article states is that “Payroll can be a tedious job.” This gives the reader an idea that Payroll might not be something that you might want to work on alone. This then serves as a form of introduction for the service that they are selling. The article continues talking about the service stating that “ADP guarantees accuracy and since they are filling all the federal, state and local taxes, they assume regulatory responsibilities as well.” This statement provides the service with a sense of credibility, since it is being used by the “federal, state, and local” governments to fill the taxes. Stating this makes the service sound like something that really could be beneficial to a company or small business. Some of the things that are missing in this article are details and explanations. The article states that the ADP Small Business Services could be a “perfect solution” for accountants “to make the job easier,” but it never goes into detail explaining how it is that it does this. This lack of detail and explanation eliminates the credibility of the service and leaves the reader with questions about the service being offered. The article needs to provide more supporting details about the service and really get into depth about some of the things that they can offer to the reader. They do not even mention the price of the service which is the main concern of a buyer interested in a product or service. This article helps the reader understand the career of accounting as a job that can really be difficult with all these “tedious” payrolls that must be done. It also provides the reader with the background information that there are services out there to help facilitate the work and not stress over things during the job.

Accounting . (2008). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from
Encyclopedia Britannica Online:

The articles main point is to provide a brief overview of what accountants do. It also goes on explaining where accounting can be developed. The article states that “accounting provides information…through the maintenance of date, the analysis and interpretation of these data, and the preparation of various kinds of reports. This provides the reader with an idea of what is expected of them as an accountant. They are provided with examples of the things that they are going to be dealing with such as keeping data and interpreting it. With this idea, the reader right there and then knows that he/she needs a great deal of background in math. Analyzing data and keeping records can be something very difficult. Therefore, the reader that is interested in pursuing this career needs to know that they need a great understanding in these types of things. Some one who is not interested in a great deal of analyzing and keeping data, might realize after reading this article, that accounting might not be the right career for them. The article also states that “Accounting information can be developed for any kind of organization, not just for privately owned, profit-seeking businesses.” This gives the reader an idea of where their work can be practiced. They have more options of where they can work than just the typical “privately owned, profit-seeking businesses.” Some of the things that are missing in this argument are details and emphasis on a main idea. The article states what an accountant does but doesn’t go into depth about it. The reader that is interested in such a career always wants to know more than enough information about one thing, and this article didn’t do so. It says that they have more options of where they can work than the typical “privately owned, profit-seeking business,” but doesn’t go into detail as to exactly where are some other places that they can practice their work. The article needs to understand the reader and provide more information than just an overview of a career. They need to add on to the explanation and detail to help the reader better understand the career that they are interested in seeking to know what is expected. Overall, this article helped the reader see what are some of the things that can be anticipated as an accountant.

Auditing. (2008). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved November 11, 2008, from
Encyclopedia Britannica Online:

This articles main idea was of some of the things that could be expected as an accountant. The article states that “the public accountant performs tests to determine whether the management’s statements were prepared in accord with generally accepted accounting principles and fairly present the firm’s financial position and operating results.” It states that their “opinions are based on samples of data.” This gives the reader an example of some of the things that accountants do. It also goes on by saying that “in the United States…states have set legal requirements for licensing.” This provides the reader with the thought that depending on where they reside, the legal requirements for licensing may vary. This also adds to what could be expected from accountants. The article states that “audit failures occur from time to time, however, drawing public attention to the practice of accounting…while also leading to a refinement of the standards that guide the audit process.” The article mentions that “the best any auditor can provide, even under the most-favorable circumstances, is a reasonable assurance of the accuracy of the financial reports.” This adds importance to the work of an accountant since it can create crucial results in the economy. It even gives an example of how accountants use their work to overstate profits; “Telecommunications firm WorldCom Inc. used misleading accounting techniques to hide expenses and overstate profits by $11 billion.” This also shows how accountants are constantly under the public attention from the result of their work. This idea might discourage some who were interested in accounting, since accuracy can be crucial in this field. The article also mentions some of the accountants responsibilities. It states that “A company’s internal accountants are primarily responsible for preparing financial statements.” This provides the reader with an overview of what their responsibilities may consist of. This article is missing details and supporting evidence. Though it did provide some, it didn’t include enough information. This helps the reader understand the career better because it gives examples of what is expected, some of the responsibilities they will take on, and the risks that the job can create. Overall, this article gave the basics that can be found in a career such as accounting.

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